Saturday, January 5, 2013

Home and personal safety tips for uncertain times

So I just want to touch on this subject really quick, how does everyone feel about self defense weapons? It is very important not only for your family safety, but also important as times get tough and people look for easy targets. This is why it is important not to share with everyone about your food storage/stockpile.
But think for a moment, would you be protected if someone decided to break in? There are many things you can do to start.

1. Have multiple self defense weapons and items. This can be many things, not just guns. There is pepper spray, knives, stun gun, swords, bow and arrows, cross bows, brass knuckles, and so on. Be sure to check what is legal in your state and that you are trained well enough to use them. Don't rely on last minute panic to try and figure out how to use it. Make sure you have any necessary permits.

2. Have them everywhere you can access. Not just in one place. Do you have something on each floor or in each area of the house? Keep out of reach of children, but easy enough access that you can grab it if someone came through your door.

3. Have home defenses set up to make people avoid you. Keep doors shut to all rooms when anyone comes (repair guy, visitors, sales people) even opening the door can show people what is inside. You may not see it as valuable, but someone else could.
We found some window cling that makes the door a 1 way mirror. It is really hard to see inside, but from inside we can see everything outside.

4. Check out pinterest for ideas. I found a bar that attaches across the door to keep people from picking the lock or knocking down the door (of course if you are home) to stop home invasions.You can buy parts at the hardware store. A metal bar and a few brackets secured to the wall should hold the door from being pushed inward.

5. Always be careful about what you put outside. If you buy anything with a name on the box (food storage, toys, diapers, wipes, electronics.... so on) make sure to cut up the box small enough to fit in the garbage can or recycle bin. You don't want to advertize what you have in the house. You never know what someone could want or need that they may see you as an easy target.

6. Do a walk through each night. Check all doors and windows. Make sure everything is locked tight. Alarms set.

7. Speaking of Alarms. Do you know the dollar store has door and window alarms? They go off and are extremely loud when opened. This will give you a heads up if someone comes in. Make sure every door and window has them.

8. Have you looked outside recently? Is there a bush that has overgrown that someone could hide in? Is there a tree growing close to the house someone could climb to get on the roof? You can trim things up to keep someone from having easy foot holds. Just keeping things straight and uniform can help.

9. Do you have lights outside? If so, make sure they are on every night and that they are functioning properly. Install motion sensor lights if possible.

10. Do you know your neighbors? You should become acquainted, if possible, with at least one set of neighbors. They can help tell you if there is suspicious activity.

Stay safe out there everyone. I see more and more in the news that there are home invasions and robberies going on. Also be sure and be aware of the situation.
A few questions you need to ask yourself before you go home.

1. Is that car following you? Make a few random turns in a row. Are they still there? Don't think it's paranoia. Yes, I have been followed before. I pulled into the parking lot of a police station and they took off, speeding away. Yes, I believe they were looking to follow me home.
If you are followed be sure to keep going. DO NOT go home. This will let them know where you are and you are now trapped. Keep driving, go somewhere public and well lit. Go to the authorities if possible. 

2. Is that person following you? Are you going to your car or walking somewhere and feel like you are being followed? This has also happened to me and it is a very scary feeling. Do NOT allow yourself to be a victim.
Personally I had just had my first child and had left her in the car with my mother. She watched a very dirty, scruffy man cross the parking lot following me to the store, but was unsure if he was just going into the store himself. He stood outside the door watching me go in but never went inside the store himself. I came to the door and felt like I should go back inside. I did and My mother saw him pacing looking in at me. She pulled the car up and he backed away but kept looking into the store at me. She honked at me and the man backed further away but never let me out of his sight. I got to the car and jumped in and locked the doors. He immediately turned and left without ever entering the store. I knew he was watching me and had I been by myself he may have gotten to me. There was no one in the store other than me and the employee at the front as it was a late evening. I now carry self defense items to be sure I am armed if someone does try to hurt myself or my family.

Do NOT be a victim. I repeat. DO NOT. Be aware and do not think it's paranoia. I make sure we do our walk through every day, I carry items to keep myself safe, I am aware of the people around me and potentially bad situations.

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