So how is everyone doing? I started this blog thinking I would write all the time, then pregnancy came along. I have been slacking.
Touching on urban homesteading, what does this mean to you? I believe personally it means relying less on things like grocery stores, being prepared for emergencies, and having a plan.
Things like toilet paper, paper towels, and other paper products, you can stockpile at rock bottom prices (use coupons too) to build a stock and not have to leave the house so often, therefore cutting some of the reliance on stores. If there is a power outage, or can't get to the store, will you be okay?
Just having a few extra items on hand can save you from the stress of having to do without.
With me right now, having extra items like diapers and wipes, can save me from having to run to the store in this heat. Being pregnant, I don't deal well with the heat at all. If I can avoid a trip to the store, I will take the opportunity.